AdSense: запрет на картинки рядом с объявлениями
Официальный блог Inside AdSense сообщил об изменениях в правилах размещения рекламных текстовых блоков.
Can I place small images next to my Google ads?
We ask that publishers not line up images and ads in a way that suggests a relationship between the images and the ads. If your visitors believe that the images and the ads are directly associated, or that the advertiser is offering the exact item found in the neighboring image, they may click the ad expecting to find something that isn’t actually being offered. That’s not a good experience for users or advertisers.
Publishers should also be careful to avoid similar implementations that people could find misleading. For instance, if your site contains a directory of Flash games, you should not format the ads to mimic the game descriptions.
Пример размещения блоков, за которые теперь можно лишиться аккаунта и денег:
Источник: blog.dimok.ru